The Bold Voice of J&K

Kudos to valiant security forces


Shyam Sudan

We have celebrated 74th Republic Day with great enthusiasm and zeal. Not a single incident of violence has been reported across the entire nation. The success of this achievement definitely goes to our security agencies and strong determination of our forces. No doubt there are lot of challenges and barriers in our country. It is quite tough to organize such kind of mass level event at different places of the country, because on this auspicious day at every nook and corner there is custom of celebration of this national festival. A lot of anti-national elements and international agencies are generally waiting to carry out their nefarious agendas on such occasions to demean the prestige of nation. However it is quite tough to provide security arrangements in all such places. But, our security agencies are capable and competent to provide an atmosphere of peace on such occasions. Their professional experience and planning always played a significant role in this direction. The successful completion of this national festival shows the strength and power of our gigantic democratic set up. Of course, ours is the only nation of the world which is popularly known as biggest democracy of the world. We are not only the biggest democracy of the world, but also a most diverse and powerful tool. Despite having cultural and linguistic vividness, our patriotic spirit is above all nation of the world. Patriotism and nationalism are the two powerful virtues of our society. The fact behind our powerful democracy is that we believe in the dictum of Vasudev Katumbkam. Since time immemorial we have firm faith in this ideology. Generally other democracies of the world believe in the concept of national prejudices. But, our philosophy is somewhat different than others. The ideology of live and let live is generally enshrined in our minds and behaviour. Such positive virtue of our democracy differentiates us from others. Now with the strong political will and contribution of our patriotic society we are gaining more strength at global platform. Now, different powerful nation of the world is looking towards us with a different way and angle. Due to our strong diplomatic actions and vividness in democracy nobody can ignore our presence in Asia subcontinent. In this changing world order our role and status is also changing rapidly. Once there was a time when powerful nations of the world generally ignore us in every walk of life. But due to contribution of our people at different sectors in different nations of the world, all the earlier doubts and generalizations has changed. When the entire world looks at our Kartavyapath on republic day, their thinking automatically get the proof of our strength and power. No doubt such kind of occasions gives strength to our democracy. It is duty and responsibility of every civilized citizen to give strength to our democracy by participating in such events. After all we are the inhabitants of this incredible land.

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