The Bold Voice of J&K



It has been observed that despite clear cut instructions issued by the Court regarding ban on illegal mining and all possible measures in place by the administration and the law enforcing agencies, some elements are still indulged in the illegal practice of looting natural resources by carrying out mining activities to extract minor minerals in major rivers, nallahs and other waterbodies of the Union Territory. Every other day, there is a report regarding seizure of a number of vehicles and other machinery found indulged in illegal practices, but it is really surprising that despite such strenuous approach of the administration, the illegal practice is still going on unabated without any halt. As per reports, Mining mafia is ruling the roost in two major districts viz Samba and Kathua by perpetuating loot of natural resources, without any fear of law or concerned authorities, which are acting as a mute spectator to the same. It has been reported that unabated illegal mining is going on in major rivers and waterbodies of both the districts. Moreover, locals have alleged that along with elements from UT, the mafia from neighbouring State Punjab is also quite active in the area and carry out illegal mining in Ravi, Ujh and Basantar thereby causing a major threat to the environment besides depleting the underground water level. As the Government of Punjab is very strict on illegal mining, which has been restricted in majority of the rivers leaving a few, the mining mafia from Punjab is now moving towards J&K and there is no proper check on their illegal activities. It shows that some officials of the concerned department are definitely hand in glove with the Mafia, active behind such anti-nature activity, which is really is matter of grave concern and needs to be probed thoroughly so that such enemies of the nature and society, who just for few pennies are support such illegal activities, should be booked under the law of the land, thereby eliminating the major support of mafia behind illegal mining, as only action against some drivers and their associates along with seizure of few vehicles will not serve the purpose. There is still time, as if the necessary preventative measures will not be taken in time by the administration for saving the natural resources, the consequences will be detrimental in the coming time.

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